Owe Bookie Money

  1. Owe Bookie Money Meaning
  2. Owe Bookie Money Book
  3. Owe Bookie Money
  4. What Happens If You Don't Pay A Bookie
  5. Owe Bookie Money
  6. Owe Bookie Money Transfer

Ho ho ho! ‘Tis the season for gambling debts. Between tonight’s BCS Championship game and the NFL playoffs, fortunes will be won and lost in the next three months. (Spoiler alert: lost) The smart move is not to gamble, but “addiction” means that you don’t listen to nonsense like that, so come armed not with wisdom, but with the next best thing – excuses. There probably are no good excuses when it comes to telling a bookie that you don’t have his money, but there are a few that are worse than the rest. Look to these 9 gems as an example of what not to do when it comes time to pay the piper.

9. “You already broke my legs. Why do I still owe you the money?” This line was cribbed from the movie Dirty Work, but it’s completely applicable. If I owe you three thousand dollars from Norwood missing the kick wide right, you have two avenues of recourse, Mr. Bookie. You can break my legs, or you can collect your money. You can’t do both. What’s that? You can? Crap.
8. “My _______ just died.” If that’s the case, then you should have MORE money, not less. Your bookie, unless it’s your best friend or your brother, won’t care about the health or well being of your family. But it’s adorable that you think he will.
7. “The game totally went the wrong way!” It’s sports. Field goals get missed, buzzer beaters fall. This guy deals with sports outcomes for a living. I don’t think he’s going to feel your pain if Kobe fouls out with three minutes left, torpedoing your trifecta. The game didn’t go your way? That’s why they call it gambling, fella.
6. “I got deported.” This one’s actually not a great excuse, but pretty effective at dodging your bookie, especially if it’s true. Unless your bookie runs an international wagering firm, you’re probably safe in Belgium. If you’re making it up though, the odds increase to even money that you will run into him at Dunkin’ Donuts and he will stab you with a rusty screwdriver.
5. “I’d pay you, but I just bought _______.”Golf clubs, private plane, cup of coffee, whatever. Telling your bookie that you spent the money you should have earmarked for your wagers is not likely to get you into his good graces. He will politely suggest that you sell whatever you just bought at a loss to cover your nut. Or you will probably end up getting sodomized with those new golf clubs. Just kidding. No I’m not.
4. “I have a gambling problem.” Ha! This one might be good for a chuckle from the bookie, but that’s about it. Their career entails preying on people with gambling problems. They’re glad you have a gambling problem. Besides, no one ever has a gambling problem when they’re winning.
3. “I thought we were friends!” You thought wrong. You hoped you were friends. You’re the degenerate gambler, he’s the bookie. Be clear on that from here on out. Your bookie didn’t want to have that beer with you at the sports bar, and he doesn’t want to be your friend. He wants your money. He doesn’t run a friendship business.
2. “I was gonna see you, but I’ve been busy.” Perhaps the laziest (and worst) excuse in the book. You owe money to a criminal, and to top it off, you essentially tell him that paying him back isn’t your highest priority. Bookies want to be your highest priority. They want their money before you make your mortgage payment or pay down your credit card. They should be. Because the bank won’t come knocking on your door one day and rough you up.
1. “I’ll win it on the next one.”No you won’t. The reason bookies stay in business is people like you lose and keep coming back. If people were getting rich off of bookies, that would be one thing. Bookies watch losses compound every day. They know that hot streaks end and cold streaks keep going. So be telling him you’re going to win back your debt isn’t just a waste of time, it’s insulting.

Dirty Work (1998) is a comedy. In the film, long-time friends Mitch (Macdonald) and Sam (Lange) start a revenge-for-hire business, and work to fund heart surgery for Sam's father Pops (Warden). When they take on work for an unscrupulous businessman (Christopher McDonald), in order to be paid, they create a revenge scheme of their own.

Give your bookie 2000 of the 2500 you have while apologizing to him for betting more than you had to wager. Explain to him that you will pay him 500 a week until the remaining balance is paid off. It’s amazing that you think this will erase your debt. One: you owe the money. You bet and you lost. Pennsylvania has case law about the ability of someone to collect an illegal gambling debt (it’s a defense to self-help and crim.


Mitch: Sam, you remember how things were when we were young?
Sam: Yeah, it was great.
Mitch: Yeah it was. I mean, I felt good about myself back then, y’know? If somebody messed with me, no problem. I didn’t take crap from anybody. Now I’m in my thirties, I can’t hold a job, I go with women I don’t even like. And worst of all, I take crap from absolutely everybody. Ah well, things could be worse, y’know, I uh… [louder] I coulda got my nose bit off by a Saigon whore!
Jimmy: [Turning round to reveal his bitten-off nose] You… bastard!
Mitch: There’s two kinds of people in this world: Those who get stomped on, and those who do the stomping.
Kathy: Where’d you come up with that theory?
Mitch: A famous guy said it. What’s his name, uh… Oh yeah, Jesus.
Bar patron: Looks like there’s gonna be a brawl. Playing something good?
Jimmy: Hell yeah! Rolling Stones, “Street Fighting Man,” G-7!
Patron: You just hit G-8.
[Jukebox plays “Escape (The Piña Colada Song).”]
Mitch: Whoa, you got a dead hooker in the trunk!
Anton Phillips: What? No! [Slams the trunk.] It can’t be!
Mitch: Yes it was, it was a dead hooker!
Anton: It wasn’t a dead hooker!
Mitch: Hell, I know a dead hooker when I see one.
Anton: What’s happening? Hey, folks, come on down…
[Sam opens another trunk remotely.]
Mitch: Hey hey, here’s another dead hooker in this trunk!
Anton: What?
[Sam opens another and another. Anton frantically tries to close them.]
Mitch: Oh my goodness!
Anton: What’re you doing?
Mitch: I’ve never seen so many dead hookers in all my life!
Creepy Harry: Lord knows I have.
Heather the Bearded Lady: Hey baby. You ever had a chick with a beard before?
Mitch: [Nervously laughs.] Can’t say that I have there, bearded broad.
Heather: Well then sugar, you haven’t lived.
Mitch: [Into his tape recorder] Note to self: I don’t want to live.
Sam:' You thinking what I’m thinking?
Mitch: No no no no. I have a plan.
Sam: Oh.
Mitch: [After the rapists let him go.] You fellas have a lot of growing up to do, I’ll tell you that! Ridiculous! Completely ridiculous! You believe these characters? Way out of line, way out of line! I’ve a good mind to go to the warden about this! You know what hurts the most is the… the lack of respect! You know? That’s what hurts the most. Except for the… except for the other thing. That hurts the most. But the lack of respect hurts the second most.
What happens if you don
Sam: Hey doc, what happened to your foot?
Dr. Farthing: What I don’t understand is, when you owe a bookie a lot of money, and he, say, blows off one of your toes, you still owe him the money. Doesn’t seem fair to me. Especially when he’s gonna kill me in four days anyway.
Mitch: I tell you what. I’ll give you a dollar each if you go into this building here and run around yelling and sceaming.
Homeless guy (Fred Wolf); Ah y’know, that’s very nice, but I think what you probably need are like some psycho, out-of-control homeless guys.
Other homeless guy (Jim Downey): Yeah, we’re more the broken, spiritless, “I’ve lost the will to live” type homeless guys.
Mitch: How ’bout for two dollars?
[Cut to the homeless guys running amok in the building.]

Owe Bookie Money Meaning

Mitch: I mean we’ve always been like brothers. Now it’s just official. I mean it’s kinda cool.
Sam: Yeah, I guess it is cool. But it does change things.
Mitch: How’s that?
Sam: Well, like remember the second grade, when we used those rusty soda can tops to become blood brothers? Well, it was really a bunch of trouble for nothing, because we were already brothers.
Mitch: Yeah that’s right. Hey, hey! Hey, remember in fifth grade, when I was under the monkey bars and I sneaked a peek at your sister’s underwear? You remember that? Hey, no no: I was sneaking a peek at my own sister’s underwear!
Sam: [Laughing.] That’s right. Oh yeah, and remember in the twelfth grade, you had sex with her?
[Both immediately stop laughing.]
Mitch: Okay, enough reminiscing.
Kathy: You two are brothers?
Mitch: Yeah, it’s a long story.
Sam: My dad boned his mom.
Mitch: Okay, it’s a short story.
Kathy: I can’t believe I’m doing this. I don’t even know why I’m here.
Mitch: Hey, why are you here? Oh wait, I remember: Intense physical attraction to me.
Mitch: Hey, what’s up, fruity?
Travis Cole: How did you… It doesn’t matter; you’ll be gone in a minute.
Mitch: Aha! You didn’t count on my loyal army of prostitutes, did you?
Prostitute (Uni Park): [Growls at him.]
Travis: All right, what do you want?
Mitch: Ah, just relax. Let’s watch your dirty opera, huh?
Mitch: Oh hey, by the way, Travis, do you remember, uh, do you remember when you said this?
Mitch on tape:Note to self: Making love to blow-up doll not as good as advertised.
Travis: No.
Mitch: Oh, uh, sorry, I… Musta gone too far there.
Mitch: Here’s the check for fifty thousand.
Dr. Farthing: Oh, that’s great, Mitch. Say, what do you wanna bet I don’t go to my bookie?
Mitch: No! You’re going straight to your bookie to pay him off so you can live and perform Pop’s heart transplant!


  • Norm Macdonald - Mitch Weaver
  • Artie Lange - Sam McKenna
  • Jack Warden - Pops McKenna
  • Traylor Howard - Kathy
  • Chris Farley - Jimmy (final role)
  • Christopher McDonald - Travis Cole
  • Chevy Chase - Dr. Farthing,
Cameo appearances

Owe Bookie Money Book

  • Don Rickles - Mr. Hamilton, theater owner
  • Rebecca Romijn - bearded lady
  • John Goodman - Mayor Adrian Riggins (uncredited)
  • Adam Sandler - Satan (uncredited)
  • Gary Coleman - Himself
  • David Koechner - Anton Phillips, a used car dealer
  • Jim Downey - homeless man
  • Fred Wolf - homeless man
  • Kevin Farley - Theater Worker

Owe Bookie Money


External links[edit]

What Happens If You Don't Pay A Bookie

Wikipedia has an article about:

Owe Bookie Money

  • Dirty Work quotes at the Internet Movie Database

Owe Bookie Money Transfer

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