Is There Gambling In The Cayman Islands

Is Gambling Legal in the Cayman Islands? As a tax haven for the rich and famous, many folks are surprised to learn the island’s legal stance when it comes to gambling. Those of you residing in the Cayman Islands probably already know that all forms of gambling on the island are illegal. It’s been this way since 1963. However, even with it outlawed. Need finding Cayman Islands Online Casino? List of 98 Cayman Islands casinos Best offers for players from Cayman Islands on 100% Approved casino sites Play Now and get FREE bonus. Gambling Law (2016 Revision) CAYMAN ISLANDS. 7 published with Extraordinary Gazette No. September, 2016. GAMBLING LAW (2016 Revision) Cap. 60 of 1964 consolidated with Laws 18 of 1967 and 20 of 2015. Revised under the authority of the Law Revision Law (1999 Revision). Originally enacted- Cap. 60-1st January, 1964.

Cruise ship passengers still will not be able to gamble within Cayman Islands territorial waters next year, but gambling will be allowed on ships flying the Cayman Islands flag for the first time.

Changes to the Gambling Law, assented to earlier this year and to come into effect on Jan. 1, will permit gambling on ships registered by the Cayman Islands Shipping Registry as long as they are on an international voyage.

Commerce Minister Wayne Panton explained earlier this year that the shipping registry was missing out on revenue due to rules that prevented gambling on cruise ships registered in the Cayman Islands.

Vessels registered in Cayman must adhere to local laws, even in inter­national waters.

“The law allows gambling if they are 12 miles out to sea and on an international voyage,” Mr. Panton said. “They have to be going to an overseas port. That would exclude that type of scenario. The aim is solely to facilitate the shipping registry in marketing its services to cruise lines.”

He added that Cayman’s legislation will continue to ban gambling within the Cayman Islands, including on local commercial and recreational vessels.

The legislation will officially not ban gambling in the form of fundraising raffles held by churches or community groups.


Raffles formally legalized

In practice, these types of raffles have never been enforced under the provisions of the local Gambling Law, but they will now be given the official “green light” to operate under the amended legislation.

Last-minute amendments to the Cayman Islands Gambling Law in October include the legalization of raffles – defined as the sale of numbered tickets, one or more of which is drawn as the means of awarding a prize.

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Illegal forms of lottery games, including “numbers” games, are still against the law in Cayman.

The Cayman Islands Cabinet is authorized by the legislation to license raffles, including the manner in which the fundraisers must account for proceeds and any license fees.


The legislation puts to rest issues raised in a 2010 consultant’s report commissioned by the Cayman Islands government that revealed a number of different kinds of gambling – both the socially acceptable kind and otherwise – taking place in the islands.

Liquor licensing changes

Sweeping changes proposed for Cayman’s Liquor Licensing Law seeking to end what government and business leaders have often described as the “black market” for liquor licenses will also take effect on Jan. 1.

Among the major changes in the Liquor Licensing (Amendment) Law, 2015, are requirements that every business owner who applies for a liquor license must first be the holder of a Trade and Business License. Grandfathered license holders are given up to a five-year grace period before they are required to comply with the legislation.

If someone sells liquor without having a valid trade and business license, they can be fined up to $10,000 upon conviction.

Trade officers with the Department of Commerce and Investment will be given the same powers as a police constable in investigating such instances.

The new requirement aims to stop the practice of individuals holding on to liquor licenses they are not using and then selling them at unregulated prices to the highest bidder.

In part, government’s continuing ban on the issuance of new liquor licenses, which has typically been lifted only for brief periods by Cabinet, has made the existing liquor licenses more valuable.

Is The Cayman Islands Closed

Rather than continuing a moratorium that is lifted at various times, the new law removes the requirement to lift the moratorium in order to grant new licenses.


Is There Gambling In The Cayman Islands Resorts

The Grand Cayman is one of the largest of the Cayman Islands and they are located in the Caribbean Sea. George Town is the capital of Cayman Island and it is the beautiful island where you can enjoy nature’s art and beaches along with the vibrant coral reefs, they are the best part of Cayman’s Island.

But when it comes to casinos and gambling in the Grand Cayman Islands they are banned inside the border of the Island. This Cayman Island is one of the prosperous regions of the Caribbean and most of its revenues are coming from the importing duties.

Ban on gambling

The Island is one of the very popular spots for the tourism industry and that makes sense for the Cayman Islands gambling to be legal.

But they are banned from the 1960s and they started to follow the strict laws over the gambling activities. When any of the individuals’ gamble through the online gambling sites they are imprisoned for up to two months without any excuses.

The amendment is passed over gambling in 2015 that is to make the raffles legal and they allowed the peoples to gamble on the cruise ships which is registered with Cayman’s Island.

But still, they are not completely permitted by the government when those ships enter the country’s territorial waters it is not legal.

But the lotteries are legal in Cayman Island and anyone can purchase the lottery, there are several thriving lotteries are held weekly. But you should be aware of the rules and regulations of the island.

Is There Gambling In The Cayman Islands

Due to the strict rules and regulations, you cannot find the Cayman Islands casinos and this becomes the reason why a large percentage of peoples who live in the Cayman Island is gambling through the outside gambling platforms so that the gambling activities are there in Cayman Island.

Is There Gambling In The Cayman Islands

But other than these gambling activities there are so many activities which can keep you engaged and that includes diving and snorkeling. There are several numbers of bars and the clubs in Cayman Island and they offer a variety of entertainment things. And in some of the clubs, you could also find the betting.

Final thoughts

Is The Cayman Islands Us

The gambling is completely prohibited by Cayman Island’s law and they follow the strict rules and regulations to control the gambling activities inside their border. But other than gambling there are certain activities you can participate and enjoy in Cayman Island.