Dota 2 How To Bet

Dota 2 betting is becoming increasingly popular within esports betting, with Dota's action-cum-RTS style being a perfect match for the excitement of online betting.


Understanding Dota 2 Betting Odds. Dota 2 bets are most commonly displayed in American odds, which consist of numbers in relation to -100. The numbers change entirely depending on how likely it is that a team will win, with a minus (-) sign showing the favored side, while a plus (+) sign shows the underdogs. Dota 2 betting options cover much more than just wagering on who is going to gain the match. One such option is to bet on a spread match. The final score is always 2-0 and 2-1 in the norms best-of-three Dota 2 games. The scatter list the favourite in -1.5 and the lowest in + 1.5.

DotA 2 betting is popular because they are exciting games to watch, and many people like to predict which team will win. DotA 2 bet market started around 2014, and has become really popular. Let’s start with the most obvious one, total winner. This one is fairly self-explanatory. You pick who will win the game straight up. Dota 2 bets are most commonly displayed in American odds, which consist of numbers in relation to -100. The numbers change entirely depending on how likely it is that a team will win, with a minus (-) sign showing the favored side, while a plus (+) sign shows the underdogs.

What is Dota 2?

Defence of the Ancients 2 (Dota 2) is an multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game played competitively between two teams, each consisting of five players. Each player controls one hero varying in abilities, styles and roles. The battle takes place on the same singular map which has various runes that enhance the player's character, scattered around the map. The two factions in the game are known as the Radiant (bottom left) and Dire (top right).

Characters can be one of three types:

  • Intelligence
  • Agility
  • Strength

Each character can carry a maximum of six out of a selection of over 123 items to further enhance their fighter and add even more variety to contests. A team wins the game by being the first to destroy a large structure located in the opposing team's base called the 'Ancient'.

There are numerous markets available when it comes to Dota 2 betting - Money Line, Totals, Outright and Proposition markets, we cover this more in depth later in the article.

You can also bet on teams to not drop a map or game in a series, which is usually played in a best of three (Bo3) format, however, they can a best of five (Bo5), depending on the event. Dota 2 also has event specific formats can be played as a best of two (Bo2), which can see one team winning both matches or each team going 1-1.

Pinnacle's great odds and low margins cannot be beaten!

What types of bets are available for Dota 2?

Dota 2 has a wide variety of different odds types depending on the event, for example, The International would more than likely have:

  • Money Line
  • Totals
  • Outrights
    • Which team will win The International?
    • Which team will win the Dota 2 Major?
  • Proposition Betting
    • First team to kill Roshan
    • First team to 20 kills

The above are just a few examples of what Pinnacle offers with its betting choices.

Dota 2 betting: How do you bet on Dota 2?

Much like many other esport titles, Dota 2 offers a variety of different markets that you can bet on. As a beginner to esports betting, it's important to understand how the game works.

The basic concept of Dota 2 has remained the same since the original release of Dota: players must work together in teams of five in order to defeat the enemy team, and you defeat the enemy team by destroying various buildings, known as Towers and Barracks, eventually destroying their Ancient.

Knowing your Heroes and the player preferences is really important. If one player is targeted in the pick and ban phase, this can really impact the team's performance.

The most common form of Dota 2 bet is usually on the outcome of a match. When betting on the outcome of a match, you either pick Team A or Team B to win the match - this is known as the Money Line. The typical payout for these matches varies from match to match, and it's usually dependent on the skill level of the teams playing and their realistic chance of winning. These are translated to odds on which team will win a match.

In a Bo3, a Money Line could also be used on individual 'Maps'. Whilst the map itself remains the same (at least in Dota 2 and LoL), within the Bo3, you can place a bet on the outcome of the individual games, which are often referred to as 'Map 1', 'Map 2' or 'Map 3'. Each individual game in the series will have its own unique set of odds.

Outrights might seem similar to Money Line but they have different functions. With Money Line, you are predicting the outcome of Team A vs. Team B. With Outrights, you are predicting who would be the overall winner of a competition.


One such example would be (prior to the event starting) predicting who will win The International, a competition consisting of over 15 teams. Bookmakers will have their favourites for competitions, which is usually dependent on that team's performance, however it has been known for outsiders to creep up on some of the bigger teams and win.

Proposition (Prop) betting is also a popular form of betting in Dota 2. Most Prop Bets usually focus on a gameplay goal, for example: which team will kill Roshan first, first team to a certain amount of kills, etc.

Totals is perhaps one of the harder bets to place in Dota 2. Typically, within Dota 2, you will be betting on whether or not the total number of kills will be over or under a figure that is set by the bookmaker. This isn't necessarily limited to only kills, and could also potentially include the number of deaths, towers destroyed, etc.

All of these types of bets come with their own individual odds, it is very unlikely that across the board, they will ever be the same.

Betting on Dota 2: Other factors to consider

To succeed in Dota 2, both team coordination and individual player skill are equally important traits. The former is the more volatile of the two, however, team coordination sometimes noticeably improves within just a few weeks. Player skill, on the other hand, fluctuates less erratically.

Similar to League of Legends (LoL), Dota 2 has a vast selection of Heroes to pick from. Knowing your Heroes and the player preferences is really important. If one player is targeted in the pick and ban phase, this can really impact the team's performance, as they may have to play a hero they are not that comfortable with.

The pick and ban phase is one of the major differences in Dota 2 when compared to LoL. When the draft begins, both teams ban three Heroes before each team is allowed to pick. The team that elected to pick first gets to pick one Hero before the other team is allowed to then pick two, and then the first team is allowed to pick their second Hero.

You can also bet on teams to not drop a map or game in a series, which is usually played in a best of three (Bo3) format, however, they can a best of five (Bo5) or best of two (Bo2).

In the next phase, both teams again ban two more Heroes. The second banning phase is usually impacted by what has happened in the first, with an idea of how the game will play out already a factor. Teams in this phase have a choice between banning Heroes who are still strong or banning Heroes they know would work well with the Heroes already picked by their opponent. This will then disrupt the plans of the other team.


There is another pick phase at this point, using the same format as the first. Then there is a final ban phase of only one Hero. This phase is used often to block surprise picks before the final Hero is chosen. With so much occurring in just this phase alone, learning team synergies can really help with your betting.

Dota 2: Tournaments you can bet on

Pinnacle offers betting for all the major leagues and events, including The International, Dota 2 Majors and Minors as well as many others - of course, if you use an esports betting strategy you will know that you don't have to bet on every available match.

Dota 2 How To Bet

A full list of upcoming Dota 2 and all esports events can be found using Pinnacle's Esports schedule.

The following guide has been created to give you a full understanding of FPS in Dota 2. We will answer four important questions; what a good FPS is, how high it can go in the game, how to check it and how to increase it. We hope you enjoy!

What is a Good FPS for Dota 2?

Generally speaking most people would argue that anything above 40 FPS is good in Dota 2. However, what is considered good is a subjective thing and it all depends on your particular needs. To give you a better idea of what different FPS values will give you in Dota 2, check below.

0 – 20 FPS: Stick to Microsoft’s Minesweeper. Dota 2 will be unplayable with all the lag.

20 – 30 FPS: Might be enough to enjoy the game casually, though it will be a bit choppy.

30 – 40 FPS: Acceptable values and a high enough FPS to have a good time.

40 – 60 FPS: This will give you a smooth experience without any lag whatsoever.

60 – 100 FPS: Professional level where you get a small advantage over those who have lower FPS.

100+ FPS: The movement of objects and the game in its entirety will look smoother, but unless you can react incredibly fast you will not gain any further advantage over your opponents.

As you may or may not already know, you need a monitor with high HZ to take advantage of high FPS in Dota 2. For instance, a 60 HZ monitor cannot make use of 100 FPS.

How High Can the FPS Go in Dota 2?

You can set it to as high as you like. However, if you’re changing it in the game by going to video settings you will find that the maximum value is 240. This can easily be bypassed though by adding a simple extension to the launch options in Steam. Here’s a step-by-step guide to how you do it:

  1. Launch Steam and head over to library
  2. Right click on Dota 2 and select properties
  3. Click the button that says set launch options
  4. Now enter the following: +fps_max #

# = the maximum FPS you would like. For instance, +fps_max 400 would give the game a maximum FPS of 400.

How to Check the FPS in Dota 2

Dota 2 How To Get Better

There are two quick ways to display the FPS in Dota 2. You can either do it from the general options in the game or by adding an extension to the launch options in Steam.

If you’re doing it in game, go to settings then options then advanced options and then click the box that says display network information. This will show you your FPS as well as ping once you’re in a game.

Displaying the FPS through the launch options of steam you need to add the following extension to Dota 2: +cl_showfps 1. This is done by right clicking on Dota 2 in your Steam library and then selecting properties followed by set launch options.

Note that it is possible to have your FPS displayed with both of these settings simultaneously activated as the FPS will appear on different sides of your screen. However, there is probably little reason for it.

Increasing Your FPS in Dota 2

Unless you’re open to the option of upgrading your computer hardware, which is the obvious way of increasing FPS in any game, there are two alternatives that you can use to possibly boost your FPS in Dota 2.

You can close down programs running in the background and change program priority in the windows task manager, and you can change your graphic settings in the game.

Let’s start with the most efficient alternative that everyone can benefit from.

Changing Graphics in Dota 2 to Boost FPS

The simple answer to how the FPS in Dota 2 can be increased through the in-game video options is turning all of your graphic settings to low. The lower the graphics, the higher the FPS will be.

A more tailor-made answer is, however, to only change specific settings to get the FPS that you’re looking for while also maintaining a good looking game as lowering everything can make it very ugly.

To give you an idea of which settings you should change and not change we have listed several graphic options below and explained how these impact your FPS and the game experience.

* Note that the FPS increase or decrease from High Water Quality is only noticeable when you’re actually viewing the water.

** Game Screen Render Quality is a slider with a value from 1% – 100%. Changes in FPS depend on the setting that you choose.

If you ask us how FPS is best increased in Dota 2…

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Then we would say turning off Atmospheric Fog, World Lightning, Animate Portrait and Ambient Creatures is the way to go as these have the least impact on visuals. If this is not enough to achieve the FPS that you’re looking for, turn off Specular and Light Blooms as well and High Quality Water.

Dota 2 How To Get Good

If you’re still not happy with the FPS that you’re getting, change Shadow Quality to medium (refrain from setting it to low unless you absolutely have to) and Game Screen Render Quality to 80% (lower value than this and the game will become noticeably blurry).

Using the Windows Task Manager to Boost FPS

To boost your FPS with the windows task manager you first of all want to set Dota 2 to a high priority so that most process power is used for the game and less for other programs. Here’s a quick guide to how you do it:

  1. First of all launch Dota 2
  2. Open up the task manager by pressing [ctrl] + [alt] + [delete]
  3. Navigate to the tab that says process
  4. Right click on Dota 2, select set priority and choose high

As an alternative or complement to the above, you can also use the task manager to shut down programs that you aren’t using, which are utilizing CPU and RAM power. To do this, simply right click on the program and choose the option that says end task.

Do note that both of these changes are redundant unless your computer is not already running at maximum CPU and RAM utilization. If it isn’t, there is nothing to gain from closing down programs or changing priority for Dota 2. Your computer is already doing what it can to give you the best gaming experience.

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  • Check out: Best Dota 2 betting sites