Do Casinos Manipulate Slot Machines

  1. Indian Casino Slot Machine Secrets
  2. List Of Casino Slot Machines
  3. Do Casinos Manipulate Slot Machines For Real
  4. Buffalo Casino Slot Machine Games

There has rarely been a player who has not googled ‘how to cheat the slot machine’ at least once in their casino experience. Considering you were doing that just now, officially, welcome to the club! Of course, there could be many reasons for one to look for such information, for example, pure curiosity.

GrizzlyGranny says: “Slot machines have been a hit among aging ladies for as long as I can remember”. Keeping it random - How to manipulate slot machines. Myth: “Casinos can manipulate and rig the slot machines with the flip of a switch”. Slot placement isn’t random. Although casinos would like you to think that everything on the floor is. Some games are way more of a ripoff than others — even by casino standards. Which slot is best for me? If you find such a game where you can play for, 7regal casino this time in white gold with a pretty navy-blue dial. We hope you enjoy taking a look around our site and that you find a casino site which is perfect for you after reading our reviews, and may analyse how you use our website.

Truth be told, there is much to be said about how to manipulate a slot machine, and we will go into much details. The short answer to the question is yes, slot machines have been manipulated in the past. Moreover, we will discuss not only what players can do, but if casinos can manipulate slots as well.

Players and Slot Machines

However, before we go any further, we would like to point out that we do not encourage anyone to follow the given manipulation methods or attempt fraud. The purpose of this article is to provide you with an insight into what people have done in the past, and what is possible to be done if you want to cheat the system.

In addition, we will tell you what methods the casinos use, to rig their slots. If anyone is offering you a guaranteed way for you to succeed and make money, we advise you to avoid such offers as they are most definitely a scam. Now, without further ado, let’s dive in!

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Manipulated Coins

One of the most popular ways to manipulate a slot machine was to use a coin to trick the registered balance. The way this was done was by attaching a coin to a long nylon wire and then feeding it into the slot machine multiple times.

By doing this, players used to manipulate the machine into thinking that you are throwing many coins, thus depositing a considerable balance, whereas it is all but fictional. After that is done, they can just play with the fake in-game credits and collect all the winnings. This method was successful for a while because the slot machines could not detect the wire, and they were registering the coins.

In some cases, players were using magnets to influence the cash dispenser mechanism directly, making the machine to release way more money than it must. However, slot manufacturers found about that and began developing new security measures in order to detect any fraudulent attempts on the slot machines.

Nowadays, since the slots are no-longer simply mechanical but electro-mechanical, it has become more difficult for schemers to manipulate them. On top of that, the viral use of CCTV has made the business even more secure, hence it is virtually impossible not to get caught, eventually. Even if you figure a way to do it, it might take just long enough for the security to notice you’re doing something shady on the security camera and catch you in the middle of the act.

Controlling the Game and the Results

With the slot machines getting more complicated, inventive enthusiasts did not give up. They simply upped their game, trying to break the wheel once again. Despite the operating details of a slot machine to be corporate trade secrets, there were always such people that tried to figure out how the software operates and how they can topple it. We are most certain that when these rollers were preparing how to manipulate a slot machine, they did their homework on the slots. Therefore, as a future hacker to be, we suggest you check out our article on slots terminology.

Anyhow, the first electro-mechanical slot machines offered the feature to stop the reels. That meant that some experienced players with lightning fingers could essentially stop the reels when they choose, hence increasing the profit consistency. However, this was not a scam as it was provided by the slot machines themselves. With the appearance of people who knew how to increase their odds using the system, companies began to design their slot machines differently, allowing players to stop just one reel. Anyhow, the option to stop any reels was later completely taken off, leaving players unable to stop any of the reels whatsoever.

Some rollers figured a way to bypass even these security measures. The solution came in the form of an electromagnetic pulse, hidden in an electric lighter. The way it worked was that the lighter generated the appropriate amperage to create a magnetic field. When done close to the slot machine, it affects the sensitive computer, allowing players to alter and stop the reels. Anyhow, that finding did not last for long as manufacturers upgraded their operating systems, beefing them up with additional external protection.

How to Cheat a Slot Machine Software

With the software of the machines improving, their security and defences get better and better. But there are always people able to crack even the toughest shells. If one has the knowledge of behaviour and possible weaknesses of an electronic device, well, that can surely be exploited. A great story tells us of an intriguing software that allowed the hackers to have full control over the machine. It is not known how they managed to install that software on the slot, whether they were helped by an inside person, or they were working there themselves.

What is known is that they had programmed the slot to have a winning combination of buttons. This means that whenever they clicked a certain key combination, the slot was giving them a win. But wait, it gets even better, having this secret cheat combination also means that if you do not know it, the machine works just like any others. In other words, you could sit there, play a few spins, generate some profit, and leave the slot for somebody else to play at it afterwards, completely disguising yourself.

Of course, if you draw the attention of the security, and they start following your moves with the cameras, you’ll be caught sooner or later. After all, holding multiple buttons at the same time, while the game requires you to just click one, might not be that hard to be seen as suspicious.

Exploiting Bugs

Every one of us has experienced numerous software bugs, be they on your computer, smartphone, washing machine or a video game. With some, you just learn to live with, others you exploit. The world of the slot machines is no different. For example, some players noticed that when they are playing a certain roulette, if they placed a bet and cancelled it at the same time, their credits would go back to them, but they also remained on the table. That virtually meant that they could bet as many times as they wanted, without having any risk of losing.

However, if you participate in an activity like this one, you will most definitely get caught at one point. Moreover, since you knew about the exploit and used it for your benefit, you cannot claim to be innocent. Such actions are classified as attempted fraud and are completely illegal. Henceforth, if you are milking a bugged cash cow, you better have your running shoes with you, because you might be running straight to a sentence.


You heard it right, we will be talking about bots. These are not gigantic scary robots who seek mechanical utopia but small computer programs that automatically play the online slots, repeatedly. Their purpose is to find a weakness in the random number generator of the particular casino, that you could potentially exploit. However, the RNG aspect of the games is constantly supervised and tested by the casinos and the regulatory authorities, leaving no actual possibility for the bots to find a crack in the defence. If you would like to visit one of these bot-proof gaming sites, you can check out our review about the best slot sites.

Do Casinos Manipulate Slot Machines?

Some may wonder, if players try to cheat, do casinos manipulate slot machines as well? Unfortunately, the fraud does not happen only on the players’ end, but on the other side as well. Of course, that is one of the reasons why regulation authorities such as the UKGC exist. Prior to their creation, casinos were poorly regulated and could have cheated easily, by offering their clients rigged games. Nowadays, however, we live in a much safer environment. If you play only at legitimately certified casinos, you will not experience any crooked games.

Anyhow, there are other dangers lurking around the casinos. Regardless if it is regarding an online casino or not, imagine this shady Gollum-like person, who offers you some inside-knowledge on how to manipulate a slot game. Just only for a certain price, you will have all the information that you need to enter the first casino, grab the big cash and move to live in an Australian mansion. Isn’t it a bit too perfect? If you knew the path to the pot o’ gold, would you share it for some chunks of coin instead of taking all the riches and running away yourself?

Yeah, that is a big, red warning, isn’t it? Have in mind that this person can come in many shapes and forms, it can be a guy on the street or the perfect looking 100% legit billionaire from the internet. Anyhow, such websites exist, and their purchasable software manipulation practices are often backed up by some fake attorney’s signature and certificate.

Furthermore, this grand picture of a wonderland experience will be further strengthened by videos of how easy and safe it is, and perhaps how many people have done it. The harsh reality is that either nothing of what you’ve purchased will work, or it will be stopped by the casino’s software.

Common Slot Machine Myths

In this section, we have selected a couple of the most common myths regarding slot machines, and we are going to find answers for them and, respectively, debunk them if possible.

Activity Levels Affect the Odds

Some people believe that when you continuously bet on the same game and increase your bet per spin value, you will increase your chances of winning. Unfortunately, that is not true. Due to the RNG software in each slot machine game, the outcome of each roll is generated individually, without a mastermind standing behind the curtains tracking if you are offering more coins to the God of the reels. Anyhow, some game’s payout ratio might increase whenever you insert more coins into the particular spin. Generally, the chances of a win are always the same.

Raise the Stakes When You are Not Winning

As previously said, due to the RNG of each slot machine game, raising the stakes does not promise that you will win the next roll. As each spin is calculated on its own, losing a few in a row does not guarantee that you will start winning. Now, mathematically speaking, you cannot always loose but, hey, you never know. Anyhow, as much as this tip is a myth, there is a certain logic into it. Similar methodology has been used in the Martingale Strategy in roulette games, but once again, the rules that apply to a certain game does not necessarily apply to all.

Playing During the Night is Better

This myth goes around the idea that it is better to play during night-time since all the good players have gone to bed. Moreover, the slot machines have generated a lot of money during the day and are ready to give back. Ultimately, the machines are completely random. You can earn a jackpot during the day or the night, or not win at all.


To conclude, throughout the years, people have come up with numerous ways on how to manipulate a slot machine, but as with many other things, problems lead to improvement. The current state of the slot machines is safe and sound. With the constant supervision by third-party organisations, both games and providers are kept in perfect order. Ultimately, unless you are a master hacker, there is no easy way to beat the rollers’ system and get a nice profit. If you have changed your mind of manipulating the slots and want to go for a few spins, we have prepared a list of some excellent new slot sites, that will intrigue you.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are sure that you have any additional queries regarding how to manipulate a slot machine and if the online slots are rigged. Therefore, we have decided to answer some of the most commonly asked questions, for your convenience.

🎰 Can slot machines be rigged?

The answer is no! Slot machines cannot be rigged, especially at the online casinos. The casinos are regularly checked by third-party agencies that ensure their trustworthiness and safe play. To learn more about this topic, please visit the designated section.

🎱 How to manipulate a slot machine?

Unfortunately, there is no way to trick or manipulate a slot machine. The times that we live in and the technologies have brought to us the safest online casino environment ever. If you would like to read about some of the used methods, please visit the designated section on how to manipulate a slot machine.

🍀 Shall I switch slot machines if I have no luck?

As each slot machine operates with a random number generator, each spin has a stand-alone outcome. In other words, changing the slot machine does not promise that you will have a better win chance than the current game that you are playing. To gather more information, visit our common slot myths section.

🏆 How can I pick a winning slot machine?

You cannot really pick a winning game because there isn’t a 100% guaranteed winning slot machine. However, some offer more ways to generate earnings than others and even have additional bonuses and free spins. If you are interested in finding a game with great bonuses, check our top 10 most exciting bonus rounds in slots review

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Every gambler looks for a way to trick casinos and make the most out of their slot machines. The tough part is sifting through the bad advice and good advice available. Online slots may come down to chance, but like all casino games, there are always some tips and tricks you can apply to help you maximize the odds of seeing a payout. Whenever you play slots in a land-based casino, a mobile casino, or an online casino like CoolCat, some things should be factored in before you start playing them for real money. This guide will show you the simplest ways to trick the slots and the system, to give you the best return on your playtime.

But first, let’s get started with the basics.

What is a slot machine?

Slot machines are gambling games with three or more spinning reels. The reels display symbols that spin and land randomly to form potential winning combinations after a player places a bet. Wins are determined when certain symbols line up in a sequence; these are the paylines. An amount is awarded according to the size of the wager, the type of winning combination, and the number of paylines that hit. Slot machines come in a variety of forms, from online slots, classic three or five-reel slots, and the most popular of all, video slots.

How a slot machine works?

Regardless of the type of slot that you choose to play, they all function according to the same principles. You place your bet and initiate a spin, while this takes place an internal computer chip in the machine randomly determines whether you win or lose for each spin.

These computers are random number generators or RNGs. An RNG cycles through thousands of number combinations and stops the moment a player hits the spin button. The results are displayed for the player after the reels stop spinning. RNGs are always tested and certified by third-party agencies to make sure that they are fair and reliable, and that outcomes are not rigged.

Many times in a casino you will hear players say whether certain tables or slots are running hot or cold. However, because slot machines operate on RNGs, no amount of luck or perceived hot or cold streaks will impact the outcome of each spin. Each time a player hits a button to spin the reels or pulls the arm of a machine, the result is a unique event. Slots machines and online slots games are therefore never due to hit regardless of what someone might tell you. Streaks and payouts boil down to a matter of pure chance, even multiple jackpots can occur for a single machine.

Regardless of what you choose to play, and whether or not you’ve gambled before, these top 15 tips can be applied to any kind of online slot machine, be it a 3-reel, 5-reel, 3D slot, or a classic layout. Implement these into your slots strategy, and you’ll already be well on your way to becoming a pro and winning yourself the biggest rewards.

1. Get to know slots and how they work

Slots aren’t exactly complicated — you select your betting amount, hit spin, and the machine essentially does the rest. However, since game developers started to include more features in these games, like multiple reels, paylines, and symbols, the layout and mechanics may seem a bit overwhelming to beginners. Give yourself time to get familiar with the rules and inner workings of a game before you start playing for big bucks. That way, you’ll get to know what combinations are needed to win, what symbols trigger certain bonus rounds and features, and what you should place as your bet amounts.

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2. Find a slot that suits your style

As slots come in thousands of different themes these days, it never hurts to have a good look around to find one that matches your mood and motivates your playing style.

Most online casinos have all sorts of different slots that are centered around your favorite celebrities, movies, animals, places, and hobbies — so you’ll be completely spoiled for choice and always able to select a new theme that coincides with your style and bankroll.

3. Check the software provider

The best slots and most high-efficiency casino games are developed by companies like Realtime Gaming, NetEnt, Microgaming, and other leading names in the industry. If you can clearly see a slot game is backed up by one of these brands — it’s bound to be a reliable one. This quality alone will make a huge difference to the gameplay and how likely you are to see a return on your bets. Shoddy slots will only let you go so far with a game and may only payout during a bonus feature. The best slots give you the chance to hit the jackpot and have loads of fun at the same time.

Indian Casino Slot Machine Secrets

4. Take advantage of no deposit bonus codes

Here’s the dirty little secret with online bonuses: if you know where to look, you can get a lot for free; meaning bonuses with no deposit needed.

These deals are always given to new players when they sign up to a casino, and most continue to dish these out to players on a weekly and monthly basis even after they’ve signed up. Common bonuses you can utilize on slots include no deposit bonuses, match bonuses, and free spins bonuses. These are all great offers that can provide more to play with during your gaming sessions.

Slots strategy is about giving yourself as many slots advantages as you can. A lot of playing the slots comes down to chance, which is why the best strategies are about seizing whatever opportunities you can to get ahead.

Claiming a $25 Free Chip is all upside, no down. Try out real money slots for free on CoolCat Casino.

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5. Don’t play the slot; play the online casino

Thanks to U.S. gambling policies, Americans are able to claim some of the best value Casino bonuses of any players in the world. If you’re in America, taking advantage of this can double, or even triple your bankroll, with surprisingly few strings attached.

One of the best slot machine tricks is to look for bonuses with low wagering requirements and no maximum cash-out limits. Many casinos trick new players by offering a large bonus and hiding that you’ll need to bet a huge amount before you can redeem it.

What to look for in a good bonus: first, find wagering requirements of 10x or less. Many Casinos have wagering requirements as high as 50x, which means that on a $100 deposit, you can’t get your money until you’ve made $5,000 in bets! Also, avoid bonuses that come with a maximum cash-out. Find a bonus that doesn’t limit how much you can win from it (nothing worse than winning a jackpot and getting $100…)

The CoolCat Casino 330% Welcome Bonus has only a 5x wagering requirement (compare that to any other bonus online), and no maximum on how much you can win while using it. Plus, it comes with 50 Free Spins on our popular game, Popinata. So you have some spins to warm up (and win), and your $50 becomes $165. That bankroll will give you the breathing room you need to jump-start your slots streak. Just make a free account at CoolCat Casino, then claim your bonus at the cashier by entering the code COOLWELCOME.

6. Find the loosest online slots

If it has been a while since you had a winning spin then it really might be time to consider changing the machine you’re playing on or switching to another online slots game. Even though this might sound crazy, it’s actually true. Slots vary in how easily they pay out, and according to industry insiders and leading experts, major gaming centers avoid placing loose slot machines close to each other. The best option when you’re on a losing streak is to move on to an adjacent slot machine or try your hand at a completely new online slot game. Remember, each spin is a completely unique event, so feeding more coins into a losing machine in no way increases your chances of finally winning.

I’ve done this myself on a number of occasions and found, much to my surprise and delight, that by the time I had moved on to a second or third online game, my luck had returned and bonus spins were racking up. If the machine is cold, walk on into the light. This is one of the slot machine tricks that simply increases your chances of finding a loose machine as well as extending your playtime and jackpot potential.

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7. Know your limits and manage your bankroll

Before you start playing, it’s important to set a loss limit. It’s easy to let the excitement of the casino floor take hold, but you may end up with more spills than thrills if you don’t know when to stop. Everyone loves to win, and if you find yourself way up, it’s a good time to stop. Statistically, the longer you play the better the chances are that you will lose your money. If your bankroll is heading towards a slump, be sure to stop once you’ve reached your loss limit. Never chase losses.

Gambling is a phenomenal form of entertainment and can grow your bankroll exponentially, so have fun, but always play responsibly. Although you are just as likely as the next person to win big on a slot machine, or perhaps a coveted jackpot, be smart and don’t overdo it. Slots can take patience because a big hit can occur in ten seconds, ten minutes, or heaven forbid ten hours. As long as you have your loss limit in mind throughout your rounds of play, you’ll be in good shape if the going gets tough.

In addition, bonuses do endless favors for your bankroll, but keeping a watchful eye on your funds is the key to success in gambling. We never advise risking more than you can afford to lose, so managing your bankroll should be a top priority. Bankroll maintenance can be as simple as placing reasonable deposit amounts and not opting for bets on games that will deplete your funds too quickly.

Set yourself a loss limit, then stick to it.

List Of Casino Slot Machines

8. Know where not to play slots

It is no big news that it is easier to win on loose slot machines — the hard part is finding one. These machines are placed all over the casino quite strategically and in a meticulous way. Physical placement revolves around the fact that the casinos want everyone to see a big win. It encourages others to play, so often loose machines are to be found in highly visible areas.

On the other hand, there can be pitfalls to visibility. Airport slots are highly visible, but people are coming and going at a frantic rate. These slots are known to be some of the worst to play at any gambling destination. It’s far better to wait until you’re actually in the casino. Scope out a spot with a wide range of machines so you can move on if you hit a cold streak, but one that’s highly visible without being a major rush transit area like reception by a restaurant buffet with a lot of motion or an airport mall.

For even better chances to find loose slots, look no further than your computer. Online slot machines generally pay out more than slots on the Las Vegas Strip. Having a constant stream of players makes it possible for real money online casinos to offer slots with the best odds yet.

9. Play slots with random or progressive jackpots

Another notable feature of slot machines is the jackpots. There are two categories: fixed and progressive. Slots machines with a fixed jackpot will have a maximum payout/jackpot amount that does not change. Whereas for progressive machines the jackpot increases the more people play on them. A fraction of their bet falls into the jackpot pool, and the jackpot will continue to increase until won. Progressive machines usually come with an indicator that shows the player that the maximum payout can change based on how many people play that particular machine, therefore making the jackpot progressively higher or lower.

Whether or not one should play on progressive jackpot slot machines is a hotly debated issue among casino gamers. Though some would say that progressives are the only true way to strike it super-rich at the casino; many claims that it’s quite the long shot, even as difficult as winning the lottery. Whatever the case, playing on progressive slot machines is a lot of fun. If you manage your bankroll well and pace yourself, you just might find yourself entering the millionaire’s club.

One school recommends avoiding progressives. While a life-changing win may be uber tempting, with high potential rewards comes, all too often, low payout rates. I mean, that mega jackpot has to be built up somehow and it’s not usually by being liberal in the payout department. If your playing philosophy is to spend a lot of time having a lot of fun and picking up pleasant but not exactly earth-shattering winnings, then you should avoid progressives.

The second school of thought says that progressives are really the only true way to strike it super-rich. With odds similar to those of winning the lottery, it’s a long shot but playing progressives is a lot more fun. If you’re able to manage your bankroll properly, pace things, and not get too carried away, progressives do offer the chance for you to walk into the casino as a poor nobody and walk out a member of the millionaire’s club. And I mean, come on, there is a certain thrill to the prospect.

Beyond that, it’s not hard to find a large random jackpot worth tens of thousands of dollars. The real trick is that random jackpots like Achilles and Caesar’s Empire are actually won daily, while progressive jackpots can stick around for years.

10. Practice your strategy and play slots for free


Another thing you can find to spin things to your advantage (pun intended) is to find exciting online, free slots with free spins and try out a game, and hopefully, start building your bankroll for free. It’s an easy way to learn a game, plus a free chance to win.

Many bonuses come with free spins to use already, but there is often the chance to trigger bet multipliers and free spins during the bonus rounds in slot games. This can be achieved by lining up a certain combination of Scatter or Wild Symbols on the reels. Not all games have free spins, but you’ll get even more chances to hit a payout without dipping into your bankroll if you find any games that do.

If you’re interested in receiving exclusive deals, sign up to hear about the latest offers that CoolCat Casino has for you! You will get regular bonus offers and updates regarding exciting game and seasonal promotions. We even have daily free spin offers! Why just deposit your $30, when you could be fine-tuning your bankroll with the help of these amazing offers.

11. Betting slot machine tricks

“Bet Max” is what a regular gambler hears all the time when playing on slot machines. There is a common misconception that if you do not bet the maximum bet every time you will always lose to the casino in the long haul. However, that’s not quite how it works. This strategy can actually increase the odds for you on some specific machines.

Any seasoned slot enthusiast will tell you to stay away from the penny and nickel slot machines because the payouts are very poor. Fortunately, this isn’t really an issue for online slots. All you need to do is to choose whether to bet the minimum of maximum coins. You could spend hours wasting away in front of a nickel or penny slot only to find out that the jackpot you hit is not worth the effort. It isn’t half as rewarding as hitting it big on a machine that has higher bet minimums and larger jackpots or prize multipliers. Up the ante and avoid those $0.01-0.05 machines in order to win really big.

The truth is that on the great majority of slots, your chances at winning are absolutely the same whether you bet minimum or maximum. The difference is simple: the more you risk, the more you can win on a lucky spin. This is particularly true when it comes to online slots with special features and bonus rounds.

All slot machines have a set “volatility.” A high volatility slot machine doesn’t pay out as many wins, but when it does, the wins can be huge. In order to take advantage of the exponential size of the multipliers on these high volatility games, it can often be a good idea to bet high.

On the other hand, low and medium volatility slot machines pay out a large amount of smaller wins, and a few big ones. These machines are more about slow and steady winning the race, so you won’t feel the need to bet as high as you can to hit that one huge payout.

But what about those gigantic progressive jackpots? I mean, who doesn’t love the idea of becoming a millionaire in the blink of an eye? From everything I’ve been able to glean, there are two schools of thought on this one (yes, it’s a double-edged sword) depending on your playing philosophy.

High bets can also be beneficial when you’re playing a game like Fucanglong, which has incredibly powerful bonus features. When you trigger a Feature on any slots game, you get a number of Free Games to play at the value of your bet. So if you’re swinging big with $15 bets, and you hit a Feature like the Dragon Pearl … watch out baby, watch out.

Do Casinos Manipulate Slot Machines For Real

12. Pay tables matter a lot!

It is very important to always check on the payout rates of every single slot machine you decide to play and most importantly, you must check on this before choosing a slot machine. Each slot machine has its own set-up with different payouts, and the outcome can really make a difference.

The paytables hold key information in slot games, such as the rules and features, plus the RTP (return to player percentage) or hit frequency. The RTP is the percentage you’re likely to get from playing a slot game over time, so if, for example, a slot had an RTP of 97%, this means for every $1 you spend, you’ll get an average of 0.97 cents back in winnings. Note that the RTP doesn’t mean you’ll get this amount back after every spin — it’s just how the winnings are calculated over the long term when playing a slot.

For online slots, the pay tables can be found under the help and rules menu of each game. Pay tables and the number of paylines can vary widely by game, so taking the time to do a bit of homework and select the games with the best pay tables, advantageous paylines, and most bonus features. This simple step can go a long way to making you a big winner.

13. Practice your strategy and play slots for free

There’s nothing like a test drive. One of the biggest perks about playing slot games online is the fact you can try them all out for free before putting any money on the line. Most online casinos offer you the chance to play for free before you switch to real money and CoolCat is no exception. CoolCat Casino has a free, no download, instant play feature that allows you to give your favorite slots (and many table and specialty games) free spins to your heart’s content.

This isn’t an option in land-based casinos, which is why we always encourage players to use freeplay mode if they aren’t too sure about how a slot works and want to get some experience before playing for real money. Give yourself time to build up your slot playing skills and switch to real money mode once you’re ready.

Simply put, this is an excellent way to study the pay tables, paylines, and bonus features of the slots that pique your interest before going for the gold with real money on the line. In all honesty, I spend a lot of time using the instant play function, especially when new games come out, sussing out the ones with the best bonus features likely to give me more bang for my buck. Create an account today and play for free.

14. Keep an eye out for even bigger bonuses

The best way to make your bankroll go farther is to take advantage of the huge promo offers that occasionally pop up. Sometimes it’s a seasonal thing, sometimes the casino is just ready to push a new offer, but if you keep your eyes peeled, you can sometimes snag some incredible deals.

One of the many incredible benefits of playing slots online or at a traditional brick and mortar casino is signing up for casino bonuses. The various bonuses that casinos offer will reward players with serious benefits, based on how frequently they play and how much they wager and deposit each time. These rewards can be substantial. So, if you’re going to spend your money gambling, why not utilize the bonuses when signing up? New players can expect excellent welcome bonuses simply for joining, and weekly promotions or holiday specials can keep players coming back.

The benefits become even greater if you take advantage of loyalty, club member, or VIP programs. They come in a variety of forms, such as bigger than normal match bonuses, free spins, and more. So make sure to look for ones that suit your style of play. Land-based casinos will offer “slots club” cards for instance, and keep track of the amount you play on slots every time you enter.

Playing online has various opportunities that will be beneficial to you and your pockets. Some casinos will even give you points back as cash, or extend certain offers revolving around birthdays, holidays, or special events. These on top of managing your budget properly will stretch your gambling buck even further. Be sure to be registered as a club card member, valued player or have signed up for bonuses before you take a spin on the slot machine. Even if you don’t win, you can still get credit for every time you play.

Promo offers can include bigger than normal match bonuses, free spins, and more. If you’re interested in receiving exclusive offers, sign up to hear about our latest bonus offers. Once a member of a casino like CoolCat, you will get regular bonus offers by mail as well as updates regarding special new game promotions, seasonal promotions, and weekly, sometimes daily promo offers. Rather than just playing with your $30 deposit, you’ll be able to turn that into an impressive bankroll with the help of some of the other offers that come around (remember, you should now know what to look for when picking your bonus).

15. Be mindful as you play

A sensible approach to playing any game is not to have too high expectations. Having this mindset will do nothing but set you up for disappointment from the very beginning and cause you to make hasty decisions that could leave you worse off than before you started. Smart gambling isn’t always about putting huge chunks of cash on the line; it’s about taking your time with a game, being strategic and precise with your bets, and utilizing bonuses wherever possible.

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In conclusion, these few, simple slot machine tricks can take a bit of the randomness out of random, increase your odds of winning and definitely help you have more fun over a longer period of time with you given bankroll. And heck, you never know, I guess that’s why we all love to play slots, you may walk away with a win so big your life will never be the same again! As far as I’m concerned, the thrill of that all too real possibility makes playing slots well worth the time.

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