Area 51 Raid Betting Odds

The infamous Area 51 Raid is just a few days away and as Vegas would have it, bets have opened up on how many people will end up being arrested in the event. Vegas oddsmakers have set the over/under on people being arrested at 8.5 with 5 to 1 odds of it actually happening. The same odds are in place for both the odds of someone illegally accessing Area 51 and Donald Trump tweeting about the military outfit this weekend. The bookie also lists the over/under on attendees at the replacement AlienStock at 10,500.

According to BetOnline, no one is expected to reach the military area, no matter how fast they “Naruto run.” Odds are only +500 that a raider makes it over the physical threshold with -1000 chances Area 51 will not be penetrated. Even if someone can gain access to the facilities, it would be difficult to find any substantial proof of aliens. So I’m not too worried that MyBookie will reject “Yes” outcomes at 3-to-1 if alien-investigation enthusiasts storm Area 51 on 9/20. I’m assuming that a raid is defined by the sportsbook as people actually crossing over the military’s boundaries and barricades and onto the actual patch of land known as Area 51but I’ll try to get a confirmation on that from someone at MyBookie. By Area 51 storm predictions, raiding the secret military zone isn’t likely to happen on the planned date of September 20, 2019. Area 51 Storm Predictions are Against a Raid Any Time Soon GamingZion.

After a Facebook event went viral suggesting people raid the military outpost conspiracy theorists rave about, event organizers Matty Roberts and Frank DiMaggio organized AlienStock, a legitimate music festival taking place in Las Vegas on the same day. Vegas is nearly three hours southeast of Area 51.

The change comes after Roberts and DiMaggio were visited by agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, making sure the duo wasn't actually considering rushing the military installation with weaponry. 'It was actually a little bit spooky, actually, multiple of them,' DiMaggio said of the visit. 'It actually wasn't that bad. They were just kind of making sure I wasn't making pipe bombs in my living room and not actually planning on storming the frickin' base.'

“Profits would be fun, but I don’t want to be seen as a profit-driven guy. I don’t care about the money aspect, I never intended for this to become a real thing,' Roberts added. 'Now, I want to make it fun and I think just capitalizing on it and making a ton of money just ruins the idea of the grassroots idea of it.”

“I never foresaw this happening to me at all,” Roberts continued. “I have never done anything that has reached this scale of attention and it's completely surreal and really cool.”


As of this writing, the 'Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop Us All' event has 2.1 million 'attendees' on Facebook with an additional 1.5m people that have labeled their interest in the event. The event's official description reads, 'We will all meet up in Rural Nevada and coordinate our parties. If we naruto [sic] run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens.'

Photo by BRIDGET BENNETT/AFP/Getty Images

What are you doing on Sept. 20 between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. PST?

Perhaps you’d like to join the 1.1 million Facebook users who have clicked they are “going’ to the “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop Us All’ event. An additional 937,000 have said they are “interested’ in attending as of Monday. And the number keeps growing.

The goal: “Let’s see them aliens.’

Area 51 Raid Betting Odds Against

At least one of SBR’s top-rated sportsbooks, Bovada specifically, is offering odds if the base actually will be subject to marauding alien seekers in September, how many will RSVP and whether President Trump will tweet about the event.

Area 51, a section of Nellis Air Force Base in the Nevada desert, has long been ground zero for conspiracy theorists who believe it holds the answer to “are we alone in the universe?’

Area 51 Raid Betting Odds Explained

Rumor is that the mysterious base, is home to the wreckage of alien spacecraft or actual remains of extraterrestrials

The intent of the joke Facebook page is to have a horde of people “meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate’ entry.

The page also suggests that if the crowd does a “Naruto run’ they have a better chance of getting close to the truth that is out there.

To save you for having to look it up, because we had to, a Naruto run is a reference to a popular Japanese manga character that has a distinct way of running: head forward with arms and hands straight out behind his torso to decrease air resistance.

The Facebook page, created by SmyleeKun, a popular video game streamer, suggests that by opting this mode of offense, the horde “can move faster than their bullets.’

Area 51 Raid Betting Odds

The raid on Area 51 may not be real, but let us be real, some people are probably going to show up on Sept. 20. Maybe not 800,000 people but maybe 800 or, well, 8.

Despite the CIA in 2013 debunking the extraterrestrial theories and confirming the base’s existence as a place for aircraft testing, many people still want to believe.

Of course, Hollywood has helped feed the Area 51 and UFO theories with “Independence Day,’ “The X-Files, “Roswell’ and dozens of other movies and TV shows.

All that interest in life outside of Earth has spawned a UFO cottage industry of sorts near the base with alien-themed museums, restaurants and hotels. Even the road leading to the area was renamed in the 90s to the Extraterrestrial Highway.

The interest in the Facebook page, plus media coverage of the page’s “fake’ event has gotten the attention of military officials who want to make sure no one breaches base security, according to Air Force spokeswoman Laura McAndrews.

“[Area 51] is an open training range for the U.S. Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces,’ McAndrews said. “The U.S. Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets.’

Many visiting the event’s Facebook page do seem to realize the prank nature of the event, posting memes of guards watching for the attack and aliens they might find on base – some that look a lot like E.T. from the Steven Spielberg movie. Others have posted aerial photos of Area 51 with “raid’-plan schematics that show positions for rock throwers, Kyles, People Armed to the Teeth, Naruto Runners and “Rest of Us Sneaking in Safely.’

Bovada has posted odd on whether people will actually attempt to get on base:

Will Area 51 Will Be Raided On September 20, 2019?

Area 51 Raid Betting Odds Nfl Week 11

  • No -300

  • Yes +200

How Many People Will RSVP “Going” To The Event “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All Of Us’ On Facebook?

  • Over 1.51 Million -300

  • Under 1.51 Million +200


Will President Trump Tweet A Warning Not To Raid Area 51 Before September 20th?

  • No -510

  • Yes +305